Friday, October 31, 2008

kerinduan yang tiba-tiba

aku sangat merindukannya...

he's my lovely uncle..
His name is Pitra Jahja Pieter.
Entah kenapa pagi ini tiba-tiba aku ingat beliau.

oh iya, biar kujelaskan sedikit saja. Jadi Beliau adalah kakak ipar dari Ibuku.
Beliau mempunyai dua orang anak. Salah satu anaknya adalah sepupuku yang bernama Aji, kami sangat akrab.

Back to him,
Pakde Pieter, the way i call him, is one of my best pakde.
We were so close. He always took me everywhere he took his children.
He oftenly said that he had 3 children instead of 2, yep, the third one is me.

Pakde adalah seorang anggota ABRI (pada masa itu namanya masih ABRI).
Pada masa genting di Aceh, dia diangkat menjadi Ketua Mahkamah Militer (KaMahMil) di Aceh.
Kami semua selalu khawatir apabila ia sedang berada di sana, karena tidak dapat dipungkiri, dia adalah musuh semua pihak 'pengacau' dengan jabatannya. Sebagai ABRI, beliau musuh para GPK (gerakan Pengecau Keamanan). Sebagai KaMahMil, beliau musuh bagi para anggota militer yang melakukan pelanggaran.

Aku sangat bangga dengan beliau, bukan karena jabatannya, ataupun kekayaannya. Aku sangat bangga dengan kejujurannya. Bagaimana tidak, sebagai Kemahmil, bagaimana kesejahteraan hidup yang kalian bayangkan? Aku tak tahu apapun yang kalian bayangkan. Yang jelas, ia hidup sangat 'sejahtera'. Sebagai Kamahmil, ia tidak memiliki mobil selain mobil dinas. Sebagai Kamahmil, dia bahkan tidak memiliki rumah..
Ya, saat itu, ia tidak memiliki rumah dan tinggal di sebuah rumah kontrakan bersama keluarganya. Walaupun begitu, mereka (kami) sangat bahagia. Percayalah!

Itu yang membuat aku bangga terhadapnya, sebagai hakim, bahkan sampai menjadi Kamahmil, ia sangat jujur, bisa dibilang anti korupsi, bahkan anti suap. Hasilnya, mereka hidup dalam kesederhanaan, namun mereka sangat bahagia.

Yang membuat aku merindukannya??
Entahlah, aku tiba-tiba saja teringat saat-saat kami makan bersama.
Hmm.. kedua sepupuku pasti sangat merindukannya.
Ayahku juga menyayangi kedua sepupuku.
Tapi, pasti mereka tetap merindukan Papa mereka.
Papa Piet yang baik..

Papa Piet..
aku merindukanmu..

Monday, October 27, 2008

Don't Blame Ibu Kartini

I don't know whether it only happens in Indonesia (jakarta) or also happens in other countries.

People say I'm dominant, I'm tomboy, Everything that just pointed that i act like a guy. But, for your information: I'm quite sick of WOMAN'S EMANCIPATION!

I won't Blame Ibu Kartini,
I love her, She's great. Without Her, i won't be the way i am. I'm proud that so many women those success.

The thing that i Hate:
does Emancipation also mean you'll let a woman standing in the bus, while you're sitting? -question for the men-

This morning,as usual, a girl took a city bus. It was empty when the girl got into the bus, so this girl got a seat. But, in a brief time, the bus became so crowded. So many girls standing, while so many men sitting -a little bit upset, but the girl has promised my self not to mess people's business, beside, the girls are young-
On the third stop, there was one woman got into the bus. Wow, she's pregnant. She stood near to the door, in front of three men those sitting.
The girl were really angry, why there were no one had willingness to give the pregnant woman his seat?!
The girl tried to call the pregnant woman -the girl sat at the back of the cabin- then thanks God, people helped the girl to call the pregnant woman.
When the pregnant woman almost reached the seat, the girl woke up to please her. But then one 35-40 years old man made a move to have the seat. The girl tried to hold the man by my hand -the girl has promised herself not to say a word, because i really know my self that if i say something on that situation, i would say something really bad-. But it almost didn't work. This old man power was stronger, then the girl finally said something:
"Come one sir, don't you see that i called this lady? What if your daughter were pregnant and there's no one give her a seat? Be gentle!" -than this girl feeling guilty for her words-
After that the pregnant woman got her seat.
Thanks God

Somewhat, i do Pro Woman's Emancipation.
But, does the definition of WOMAN'S EMANCIPATION in INDONESIA also means:
- that's okay to let woman brings a lot of things while there's a man bringing nothing?
- That's okay to let the girl, woman, or old woman stands while there's a man sitting in a bus?by one reason: They want to be the same with us (men), so they must be strong as well.

How does WOMAN'S EMANCIPATION works in other countries?

PS: For you those always be an 'international guy' -that's the way my boss call the guy that act gently- I'm very sorry for this Note. This 'Man' & 'Men' ain't refering all of the men in this country

Monday, October 20, 2008


i guess,, i'm in love..

Thursday, October 16, 2008

mendung lagi

hari ini kembali mendung..
dan jika hari ini hujan...
seperti hari itu..
apakah ia..
akan ada di samping saat hujan menyiramiku..
seperti hari itu..